Adguard Telegram Bot

Made with [[Go]]

Adbot's REST API gives the stats on the DNS queries and Blocked Queries. I'm relucatant to check it at-times, so build a telegram bot to send me the statistics over telegram with an ASCII graph and a pie chart image of the domains blocked with the number of times.

Here is the Code:

package main

import (


// Stats represents the data from Adguard as JSON
type Stats struct {
	// Average Processing Time for DNS Queries
	ProcessingTime float64 `json:"avg_processing_time"`
	// When the Filters did the Job. The slice consists of 24 elements(24 hours)
	// Each item represents the Blockings of Each Hour
	BlockedFilter []float64 `json:"blocked_filtering"`
	// Number of DNSQueries received by Adguard.
	//The slice consists of 24 elements(24 hours)
	// Each element is the queries received in an hour
	DNSQueries        []float64            `json:"dns_queries"`
	BlockedFilterNum  float64              `json:"num_blocked_filtering"`
	DNSQueriesNum     float64              `json:"num_dns_queries"`
	PT                float64              `json:"num_replaced_parental"`
	NumSB             float64              `json:"num_replaced_safebrowsing"`
	NumSS             float64              `json:"num_replaced_safesearch"`
	ReplacedPT        []float64            `json:"replaced_parental"`
	ReplacedSB        []float64            `json:"replaced_safebrowsing"`
	TimeUnits         string               `json:"time_units"`
	TopBlockedDomains []map[string]float64 `json:"top_blocked_domains"`
	TopClients        []map[string]float64 `json:"top_clients"`
	TopQueriedDomains []map[string]float64 `json:"top_queried_domains"`

func main() {

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)

	req.Header.Add("cookie", "agh_session=<some sha string>")

	res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {

	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

	var stats Stats

	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &stats); err != nil {
	stats.sendTGMessage((stats.BlockedFilterNum / stats.DNSQueriesNum) * 100)
func (s *Stats) generateGraph(tp string) string {
	defer log.Println("Graph Generated")
	graphof := map[string][]float64{
		"DNS": s.DNSQueries,
		"BLK": s.BlockedFilter,
	caption := map[string]string{
		"DNS": "Number of DNS Queries",
		"BLK": "Number of Blocked Queries",
	graph := asciigraph.Plot(graphof[tp], asciigraph.Height(10), asciigraph.Caption(caption[tp]))
	return graph

func (s *Stats) sendTGMessage(percent float64) {
	defer log.Println("Message Sent...")
	message := fmt.Sprintf("Total DNS Queries : %.f\n\nDNS Queries Blocked : %.f\n\n-----\n\nPercent of Queries Blocked: %.2f%%\n\n-----\n\nDNS Query Graph :\n\n`%s`\n\n-----\n\nBlocked Graph:\n\n`%s`\n", s.DNSQueriesNum, s.BlockedFilterNum, percent, s.generateGraph("DNS"), s.generateGraph("BLK"))
	c := tbot.NewClient("<telegram_bot_token>", http.DefaultClient, "")
	if _, err := c.SendMessage("<telegram_chat_id>", message, tbot.OptParseModeMarkdown); err != nil {
		log.Printf("unable to send message: %v", err)

func (s *Stats) pieGrph() {
	defer log.Println("Pie Graph Generated and Image Send")
	var chartValues []chart.Value
	for i := range s.TopBlockedDomains {
		for k, v := range s.TopBlockedDomains[i] {
			values := chart.Value{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%.f:%s", v, k), Value: v}
			chartValues = append(chartValues, values)
	pie := chart.PieChart{
		Width:  512,
		Height: 512,
		Values: chartValues,
	f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
	defer f.Close()
	pie.Render(chart.PNG, f)
	c := tbot.NewClient("<telegram_bot_token>", http.DefaultClient, "")
	_, err := c.SendPhotoFile("<telegram_chat_id>", "output.png", tbot.OptCaption("PieGraph of Blocked Domains"))
	if err != nil {

The only thing to take care of this is to get the agh_session token. It is static and desn't change with the server, so get it once and use indefinetely.

Here is the output:

Total DNS Queries : 8946

DNS Queries Blocked : 1949


Percent of Queries Blocked: 21.79%


DNS Query Graph :

 1323 ┼╮            ╭╮
 1191 ┤│            │╰╮
 1058 ┤│           ╭╯ │
  926 ┤│╭╮         │  │
  794 ┤│││         │  │
  662 ┤╰╯│        ╭╯  ╰╮
  529 ┤  ╰╮       │    │
  397 ┤   │      ╭╯    │
  265 ┤   │      │     │     ╭
  132 ┤   │      │     │     │
    0 ┤   ╰──────╯     ╰─────╯
        Number of DNS Queries


Blocked Graph:

 384 ┼            ╭╮╭╮
 346 ┤            │╰╯│
 307 ┤            │  │
 269 ┤            │  │
 230 ┤            │  │
 192 ┼╮           │  │
 154 ┤╰─╮         │  ╰╮
 115 ┤  │         │   │
  77 ┤  │         │   │
  38 ┤  ╰╮      ╭─╯   │     ╭
   0 ┤   ╰──────╯     ╰─────╯
      Number of Blocked Queries

Pie Graph: